Friday, June 29, 2007

Warning on Women Taking Biphosphates

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Bisphosphonates are a family of drugs administered orally or intravenously and are used to prevent and treat osteoporosis, multiple myeloma, Paget's disease (bone cancers), and bone metastasis from other cancers. These drugs can bond to bone surfaces and prevent osteoclasts (cells that breakdown bone) from doing their job. According to Dr. Svirsky, adverse affects from oral bisphosphonates will not show up until three years after the treatment starts, and after that time, the chance of developing osteonecrosis is still low. However, the incidence of developing complications while taking bisphosphonates intravenously is much higher.

Biphosphates, commonly taken in by women in the form of drugs such as Fosamax, a drug that can supposedly help prevent osteoarthritis, can cause osteonecrosis of the jaw, or death of bone cells in the jaw. Such drugs also have other undesirable side effects that leaves one to wonder why they were approved in the first place.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was diagnosed as having osteoporosis after having a dexta scan 3 months ago.was advised to take biphosphates in the form of bon viva one a month pill. after 2 months i have developed severe jaw pain and told to discontinue use. I am really worried because of the implications of osteonecrosis of which nothing was mentioned as a side effect in the leaflet with the drug.

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